Goldman Sachs 2003 Annual Report An Innovative Reaction
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Jim O'Neill, Roopa Purushothaman, Dominic Wilson

Jim O'Neill, Roopa Purushothaman, Dominic Wilson

dreaming with brics:
the path to 2050

Goldman Sachs has predicted a major shift in the global economic balance in a groundbreaking piece of research that has gained international attention for its conclusions.

The Goldman Sachs Economic Research report, dubbed BRICs (standing for Brazil, Russia, India and China) forecasts that, by 2050, the BRICs economies together could be larger in U.S. dollar terms than the G-6, consisting of the U.S., Germany, Japan, the U.K., France and Italy.

By projecting emerging market GDP growth, income per capita and currency movements, the research team forecast a potential global economic realignment with significant implications for international policy-makers and investors.
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