In this episode, Warburg Pincus CEO Chip Kaye discusses why he thinks investing is about the “who” as much as the “what” and how living in Asia has influenced his career as an investor.
On lessons from his investing career: “You’ve got to have confidence in your own judgment and your own ability to make decisions, not in a way that is flying by the seat of your pants, but recognizing that investing isn’t simply a checklist of things that have to get done. The core of it is really most importantly perhaps having a real judgment about the ‘who’ as much as the ‘what.’ Who is it that we’re doing business with? And can I create a relationship with them that’ll be a long-run constructive one and increase the odds of success for both of us?”
On his perspective on investing in Asia: “If I take a step back as an investor, what I would say is if you try to think about the big, large trends or themes or places that you wanted to be invested to have places of scale that had less correlation to each other, I’d say the US and Asia, especially China, are two of the places you’d absolutely want to have presence and want to be seen as an investor.”
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