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At Goldman Sachs

We're deploying $750 billion across investing, financing and advisory activities by 2030 and bringing our commercial expertise to help our clients accelerate climate transition and advance inclusive growth.

We see unprecedented opportunity for our clients to apply sustainable finance to make a global impact.

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Renewable energy now accounts for a third of global power capacity.

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Millennials will inherit more than $50 trillion in the coming decades.

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Total issuance of sustainable debt including green, social and sustainability bonds has surpassed $1 trillion.

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Our Approach

Sustainability is a firmwide mandate with a focus on two interconnected themes.

Climate Transition

Climate change is a global challenge. We’re helping industries transition operations and business models to help usher in a low-carbon economy.

  • Our Focus
  • Clean Energy
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Sustainable Food & Agriculture
  • Waste & Materials
  • Ecosystem Services

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Inclusive Growth

We’re supporting underserved populations by leveraging our capabilities to improve access and affordability.

  • Our Focus
  • Accessible & Innovative Healthcare
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Accessible & Affordable Education
  • Communities

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Sustainable Finance Group

At the center of our efforts, we’re partnering with our global businesses to harness markets, deepen capabilities and drive innovation to support the transition to an inclusive, low-carbon economy.

Our Sustainability Journey


in clean energy financings and investments since 2006

Our Sustainability Journey


invested in underserved American communities since 2001

Our Sustainability Journey


in green, social and sustainability bonds underwritten since 2014

See Our Sustainability Journey
Our Capabilities

We provide expertise and are at the forefront of range of sustainable products, services and solutions across our businesses.

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Environmental and Social Risk Management

We approach the management of environmental and social risks with the same care and discipline as any other business risk, and undertake a robust review process to take the environmental and social impacts and practices of our clients and potential clients into consideration in our business selection decisions.

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Our Operational Impact

Minimizing our operational impact is a prerequisite of sound environmental policy and a necessary complement to our core business activities.

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Impact Investing

At Goldman Sachs, we believe that strong communities are the foundation of a prosperous society. Through our Impact Investing initiatives, we find innovative commercial solutions that address social and civic challenges in communities across the United States.

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10,000 Small Businesses

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is an investment to help entrepreneurs create jobs and economic opportunity by providing access to education, capital and business support services.

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10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women is a global initiative that fosters economic growth by providing women entrepreneurs around the world with a business and management education, mentoring and networking, and access to capital.

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“Looking ahead, the needs of our clients will increasingly be defined by sustainable growth. Our firm’s long-term financial success, the stability of the global economy and society’s overall wellbeing all depend on it.”

David M. Solomon
Sustainable Future

We’re positioning clients for a future in which sustainability is core to all industries, by doing what we know best: investing, financing, advising, and innovating.