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The firm’s three Crisis Management Centers located in New York, London and Hong Kong act as a central resource to monitor and respond to security events that could affect our people or facilities worldwide.
If you need assistance in the event of an emergency, contact a regional Crisis Management Center:
+44 207 552 1900
+852 2978-1900
For technical assistance, contact Mobile Support:
Americas: 1-917-343-1991
Australia: 61-3-9679-1991
Beijing: 86-10-6627-3491
Bengaluru: 91-80-4127-1991
Europe: 44-20-7774-1991
Hong Kong: 852-2978-1991
Mumbai: 91-22-6616-9991
Seoul: 82-2-3788-1991
Shanghai: 86-21-2401-8991
Singapore: 65-6889-1991
Switzerland: 41-44-224-1234
Taipei: 886-2-2730-4291
Tokyo: 81-3-6437-1991