Goldman Sachs Talks

James Murdoch, Transforming the Future of Entertainment

21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch discusses where he thinks the rapidly shifting entertainment landscape is heading and how social platforms, virtual reality and other technology trends are transforming the future of storytelling.

On navigating his career trajectory: “I think we only have a finite amount of enterprise in us. We have to spend our human enterprise in some useful way somehow... and I always thought it would be better, and I still do, that you want to be doing things where – in success – it can really fundamentally change your life.”  

On the digital future of entertainment: “We will be in a place where we have entertainments that are indistinguishable from reality at some point in the near future… Innovation and enterprise is being applied to creating this environment, which is going to be a very profound environment and a very profoundly impactful change when we have virtual reality and… it interacts with our natural reality in an environment where everyone is connected.”