Ruth Davidson, Baroness of Lundin Links, discusses her extensive political career, the importance of destigmatizing mental health support, and her personal experience as an LGBTQ+ member of the Scottish Parliament.
On the need for diverse representation in politics: Having spent an entire lifetime telling people that you want to get involved, get involved. We need good people. We need people from every single background. If you’re committed to your local community, I don’t care what age you are or where you went to school or what your background is or what your job is. You’ve got something to give, get up there and give it.
On the need for governments to prioritize mental health policies and services: I actually think that we’re ready to go to the next level. That involves people that are involved in policymaking. If governments, both the SNP government in Scotland and the UK government in Westminster, say that they want mental ill-health to have a parity of esteem with physical well-being, then actually they need to step up to the plate and make that happen. So that involves services, but it also involves taking things into account when you’re making policy.
This episode was recorded on September 23, 2021
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