The following email was sent today to all Goldman Sachs employees in our London office by Richard Gnodde, CEO of Goldman Sachs International.
This evening the UK Prime Minister introduced further measures, with immediate effect, to slow the spread of COVID-19 across the UK population. These measures include enforced social distancing and self-isolation amongst family members in the home, except for shopping for basic necessities, exercise once per day, medical visits and travelling to and from essential work. In connection with this, the government has ordered the closing of all shops selling non-essential goods and prohibited the gathering of more than two people who do not cohabit.
As a firm, we continue to be committed to comply with government guidelines and take steps to ensure your health and wellbeing. Therefore, we reiterate our previous advice that only staff performing office essential functions are to operate from Goldman Sachs premises, otherwise they should be working from home. Please consider the following as you think about your working arrangements going forward:
Thank you for your continued support and hard work during these challenging times.
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