23 APR 2013

New Report on 10,000 Small Businesses UK: 'Stimulating Small Business Growth'

Report by University Partnership Examines Early Evidence of Program Impact

The five university partners leading delivery of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK program have today released a Progress Report setting out details about the program’s context, its design and early evidence of its impact.  It also shares lessons that this unique partnership is learning about delivering effective support to entrepreneurs. 

Early monitoring and evaluation data collected independently from program alumni shows that 10,000 Small Businesses UK is having a significant impact on the participating small business leaders as they grow jobs and revenues:

  • A large majority – 77% – of participants report in their initial follow up survey that they had increased the number of people they employed since participating in the program.

  • On average participants reported an annual increase of 23% in their net employment relative to when they started the program.

  • Two thirds – 66% – of participants indicated that, compared to the same period in the previous 12 months, their turnover had increased.

  • On average participants reported an annual increase of 16% in their turnover relative to when they started the program.

  • 92% of participants report that they are now more confident in their ability to succeed in growing their businesses.

Download the full Progress Report - PDF (4.7MB)

Download the executive summary of the Progress Report - PDF (3.8MB)