Privacy Information and Resources


The Goldman Sachs financial services companies endeavor to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and to respect the privacy of our clients and associated persons, our employees, and other individuals whose personal information we collect and process. Our commitment to privacy includes being transparent about the nature and extent of that processing and the rights that may be available to you with respect thereto.

Please note that other, more specific policies may be available to you on sites through which you transact with one of our affiliated companies.

If you access, visit our premises, attend or register for certain events organized by Goldman Sachs, receive our newsletters or other marketing communications, or are a shareholder, click here

Goldman Sachs Asset Management
If you are a US-based in investor in a fund managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management, click here

Goldman Sachs Ayco and Mercer Allied
If you have a relationship with The Ayco Company, L.P. (“Goldman Sachs Ayco”) and/or Mercer Allied Company, LP., refer to the Privacy Policy available here.

To the extent you have a relationship with Goldman Sachs Ayco and custody your assets with GS&Co., refer to the Privacy Policy available here.

Goldman Sachs Transaction Banking
For the Privacy Policy associated with Goldman Sachs Transaction Banking in the U.S., U.K. and Europe, click here

Marcus by Goldman Sachs
To access the Privacy Policy applicable to Marcus by Goldman Sachs and related businesses in the U.S., click here

To access the Privacy Policy applicable to Marcus by Goldman Sachs in the U.K., click here

Private Wealth Management
If you have a relationship with our Private Wealth Management business, or have participated in a Directed Share Program with Goldman Sachs refer to our Privacy Policies here

Business Representatives
If you are a business representative, or are associated with a business that is not otherwise covered by a different Privacy Policy, click here

California Residents - Additional Information
If you are a California resident not covered by any of the above-mentioned US policies and you seek to exercise rights under the CCPA, please contact us at or at 1-844-930-0648


To access the Australia / New Zealand Privacy Policy, click here

To access the India Privacy Policy, click here    

To access the Goldman Sachs Asset Management Co., Ltd. privacy policy in Japanese, click here. To access other Japan privacy policies in Japanese, click here. To access the Japan privacy policies that are available in English, click here

To access the Information Manual of Goldman Sachs International (South African Branch Office), please click here, and of Goldman Sachs International Bank Johannesburg Branch, please click here. To access the POPIA Code of Conduct, please click here

To access the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) Fair Processing Notice, click here

To access the China Privacy Policy of Goldman Sachs, click here.

European Union and United Kingdom Fair Processing Notices

If you transact business with, or otherwise have or had a relationship with a Goldman Sachs entity in the European Union or the United Kingdom, or you are connected with someone who does, please refer to the applicable Fair Processing Notice as follows:

If you are a beneficial owner, partner, director, employee or other representative of, or are otherwise associated with, a client or prospective client of another Goldman Sachs business, click here

If you are shareholder or prospective shareholder, or associated with a shareholder or prospective shareholder, of a fund managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and (1) the Goldman Sachs entity or GSAM fund which contracts or seeks to contract with you is established or operates in the European Union, the United Kingdom or the Cayman Islands or (2) you are located in the European Union or United Kingdom and are a person with whom Goldman Sachs or a GSAM fund contracts or seeks to contract, click here

If you are a current or prospective shareholder, limited partner, unitholder or other investor of a fund managed by Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division (or associated with such limited partner, unitholder or other investor) and (1) the Goldman Sachs entity or the fund which contracts or seeks to contract with you is established or operates in the European Union, the United Kingdom or the Cayman Islands or (2) you are located in the United Kingdom or the European Union and are a person with whom Goldman Sachs or the fund contracts or seeks to contract, click here

If you have a relationship with GSAM Responsible Investing, please click here

Other individuals not referenced above may also be covered by a Fair Processing Notice. This could include, for example, vendor representatives, former clients, former employees, family members of clients and employees, etc. Such individuals should click here


To view our Careers privacy notices, click here


Additional Information and Contacts: The European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

(This section applies only if your information is processed by Goldman Sachs in a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia or New Zealand).

You are entitled to access any personal data about you held by Goldman Sachs by sending a written request to the applicable individual identified below. You may be required to supply a valid means of identification as a security precaution to assist us in preventing the unauthorized disclosure of your personal information. We will process your request within the time provided by applicable law. You are also entitled to have Goldman Sachs modify or delete any information that you believe is incorrect or out of date.

Goldman Sachs may occasionally contact you by post, telephone, electronic mail, facsimile, etc., with details of products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to be contacted in this way, if you wish to exercise your rights of correction and access, or if you require further information regarding our privacy policies and practices in the above-referenced regions, please reach out to the applicable country specific privacy contact by clicking here.


If you attend a Goldman Sachs event or visit Goldman Sachs premises on a photo or video shooting day, you may be captured in photos and/or videos (“footage”). As the context requires, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and its subsidiaries (‘we’ and ‘our’) are the data controller of the footage. We may use the footage to produce informational and marketing materials for internal and external publication and display, including in promotional brochures and social media. If you don’t want to be included in footage, please refrain from entering the designated shoot area and from being in range of the camera and sound equipment or let us know by contacting the event organiser.

We may share the footage with third party service providers we use for the event and/or the shooting.  We will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data and that international transfers of your personal data are compliant with applicable data protection laws. If you have questions about this initiative, please contact the event organiser.

Our Use of Cookies and Your Options

By using a Goldman Sachs Web site with your browser settings adjusted to accept cookies you consent to our use of cookies and other tools to provide the products and services available on those sites. If you would like to modify your browser to notify you when you receive a new cookie or to disable cookies altogether, please refer to Managing Cookies below.

Cookies and How We Use Them

Cookies are small text files that may be placed on your Web browser when you visit our Web sites or when you view advertisements we have placed on other Web sites. Cookies allow your browser to remember some specific information which the Web server can later retrieve and use.  When you quit your browser, some cookies are stored in your computer’s memory, while some expire or disappear.

Cookies are used primarily for administrative purposes, to improve your experience with our Web sites. Examples of this would include the use of cookies:

  • To improve site security by “authenticating” you (i.e., verify that you are who you say you are) when you sign-in to our site.
  • To keep track of your specified preferences such as language, time zone and timeouts after periods of inactivity.
  • To allow you to navigate our sites more easily by “remembering” your identity so that you do not have to input your password multiple times as you move between pages or services.

In addition to administrative uses, we may also use cookies in one or more of the following ways, depending on the Web site you are using:

  • To conduct research and analytics to improve our Web sites and our products and services. This includes compiling statistical information concerning, among other things, the frequency of your use of our Web sites, the pages visited and the length of each visit.
  • To display Goldman Sachs advertisements when you visit Web sites of third parties with whom we have marketing relationships and to help us gauge the effectiveness of our advertising efforts. These parties may gather information concerning your use of other Web sites and provide us with de-identified information about you (such as demographic information or the names of sites where you have been shown ads) which we may use to provide you with more relevant and useful advertising.

This paragraph applies only to the Web site. That site may use third parties to serve advertisements as described immediately above. To do so, these parties may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags) to gather information concerning your use of our that site and other Web sites and, based on that information, serve advertisements that may be of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice, and to learn how to opt out of it on the particular device on which you are accessing this Privacy and Cookies Policy, please visit The site adheres to the interest-based advertising principles of the Digital Advertising Alliance, available at  

For more information on how we collect and use information that is identifiable to you, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Managing Cookies

The Help menu on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and how to disable cookies altogether. Additionally, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by changing the add-on’s settings or visiting the Web site of its manufacturer. Some of our sites employ “functionality cookies” that help the site remember your settings and preferences for use when you visit the site in the future. This provides a more tailored and pleasant user experience. These cookies store information in multiple places. On those site using functionality cookies, you will find a “Delete Cookies” feature on every page that will allow you to delete these cookies completely from your device. Please note that, if you decline to use cookies, you may experience reduced functionality and, for sites using authentication-related cookies, declining cookies will prevent you from using the Web site altogether. To learn more about what cookies are set on your computer as you browse the Web and how to manage or delete them, visit