22 SEP 2010

10,000 Small Businesses Graduates Inaugural Class at LaGuardia Community College

10,000 Small Businesses’ inaugural class of 23 entrepreneurs celebrated their graduation on September 22 at LaGuardia Community College with a brighter outlook for the growth of their businesses. The 20-week program included classes from accounting to negotiations, as well as one-on-one mentoring and business advising.

Graduates received their Certificates of Entrepreneurship from 10,000 Small Businesses’ Advisory Council Co-Chairs Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs; Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway; and Dr. Michael Porter of Harvard Business School in front of an audience of more than 400 family, friends, colleagues, community and academic partners, and Goldman Sachs people.The Advisory Council Co-Chairs were joined by Senior Advisor to the President, Valerie Jarrett, who delivered the commencement address.

Warren Buffett emphasized that "the importance of this first class of 10,000 Small Businesses cannot be overstated. There will be a spotlight on these graduates and, as their stories are told more broadly, they will inspire other small business owners to achieve similar success.”

View Video on NY1 News: Business Savvy Grads Walk The Stage In Queens

View Video on CNBC News: 10,000 Jobs Strong

Press Release: 10,000 Small Businesses Graduates Inaugural Class at LaGuardia Community College