One Million Black Women

Manifest Your Purpose

Gifts, Stationery & Tech
We celebrate the beauty and multidimensionality of Black women by allowing them to see themselves in products that they use every day.
Saria Hawkins
Black in Business
  • Saria Hawkins Fort Worth, Texas
    Ships Globally
  • Manifest Your Purpose is a luxury stationery and office accessories company for purpose-driven women. Our organizational tools and chic products are created to increase productivity and help women slay their day!
MYP Daily Planner

Learn how to plan with purpose by starting each day logging your top priorities, meetings, and important notes. This planner also includes sections for self-care and gratitude and a workout log!

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The statistics regarding small business impact on America’s GDP in 2023 are sourced from the US Chamber of Commerce Small Business Data Center:,and%20customers%20to%20each%20other