Goldman Sachs Talks

Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera

Jeff Maggioncalda discusses the challenges that are currently transforming the education landscape.

On the future of learning: “I think you’ve gone through an experience where so many professors and administrators have gone through this online learning, and so many students have, and like what we’re finding at work…. there’s no way we’re going to go back to working the way we did before.”

On the future of the business of education: “What will be the demand for learning credentials? Where a credential is a signal sent by an institution that a given individual has learned a set of knowledge and skills. And the value of a credential generally is, how valuable are the underlying skills that that credential is signaling? How credible and selective is the institution who is signaling them? So, I believe, we don’t know for sure, but I think it’s pretty clear to me that learning credentials will become more valuable not less valuable in a world where content is made almost commoditized.”


This episode was recorded as a call on April 20, 2020.