Goldman Sachs Talks

Lord Simon Woolley, Co-Founder, Operation Black Vote

Lord Simon Woolley, Co-Founder of Operation Black Vote, discusses the fight for racial equality in the UK, improving political participation and representation, and widening access to higher education.

On the Black vote in the UK: “Minority ethnic communities often felt that we were powerless, politically powerless. Things were done to us. And all we would do is bemoan and sometimes march on the streets. I did this analysis that said, actually, politically, we can be extremely powerful.”

On creating pathways for success: “When I entered the House of Lords I said, ‘Look, I think there’s talent in every street, in every city, and every corner of the country, there’s potential talent.  And it’s our job to make pathways for that talent.’ And I particularly say that to council house kids, because often their vision is shut down very early on.”


This episode was recorded on June 21, 2022