Our Operations
Increasing energy efficiency in our buildings is paramount to our net zero journey. To do so, we focus on reducing our energy consumption through targeting Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification or its equivalent across our global portfolio. As we plan, design and construct new workplaces, we seek low carbon strategies and sustainable designs that reduce energy use, carbon emissions and potable water consumption to the greatest extent feasible and continue to evaluate opportunities for ongoing operational efficiencies.
We also source electricity equivalent to 100% of our global consumption from renewable sources. We play an active role in enabling new renewable electricity to be brought to the grid in key locations where we operate, as part of our goal to source 80% of our renewable energy from long-term, impactful agreements.
Our Supply Chain
Engaging with our vendors is an important step in addressing Scope 3 supply chain emissions and is critical to achieving our net-zero-by-2030 commitment.
We have integrated standard ESG questions into our request for proposal (RFP) and vendor assessments in our sourcing and vendor review processes, and we screen all new vendors against alignment with our net zero ambitions. Each year, we ask our top vendors, by emissions, to disclose their environmental data and climate strategies. The responses provide us with vendor-specific emissions data and information about the maturity of their climate strategies. We will continue to find new ways to partner and innovate with our vendors on our collective decarbonization goals.
Carbon Credits
We recognize that a portion of Scope 1, 2 and 3 operational and supply chain emissions will not be eliminated through reduction strategies and will require investments in carbon avoidance and removal credits. We are working with internal stakeholders to pursue collaborations and align our efforts with our vendors and other companies on the journey to net zero.
Globally, we remain focused on achieving net-zero-by-2030 in our operations and supply chain. Read more on our progress in our latest Sustainability Report.
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