Goldman Sachs Exchanges

Is (De)globalization Ahead?

Amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, COVID-19 lockdowns and associated supply chain disruptions, globalization is arguably facing its biggest test of the post-Cold War era. In this episode of Exchanges at Goldman SachsAdam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Dani Rodrik, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and Jim O’Neill, former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, discuss where globalization is headed from here and what that could mean for society, the economy, and markets. This episode is based on Goldman Sachs Research’s latest Top of Mind report “(De)Globalization Ahead?”

Goldman Sachs Research
  • (De)Globalization Ahead?
    28 APR 2022

This podcast was recorded on April 6, 2022; April 11, 2022; April 20, 2022 and May 4, 2022.

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